Friday 22 November 2013

BOX Apparel Live Brief

This week we received a live brief from men's fashion brand, BOX Apparel, as part of our packaging module. Box Apparel is a brand new clothing range which sells socks and underwear for the urban modern man online. Considerations of the brief: reflect the brand ethos, must fit through a letter box, must be cost effective, must protect the product, increase customer loyalty and awareness for the BOX brand.

I've been looking forward to getting stuck into a packaging brief as this is something I'm interested in. This module will give me the chance to explore packaging design further and really get to understand what makes effective packaging design.

I have completed a SWOT analysis for this module:
Strengths: I feel like I will be able to stay focused on this module as packaging design is something that interests me.
Weaknesses: I have no experience in creating 3D visuals, which is a requirement for the final outcome.
Opportunities: This module will give me the chance to explore packaging design, as well as learning about packaging nets and 3D mock ups.
Threats: The target audience! BOX Apparel has asked for a design aimed at the 'urban modern man'. I think this will be a challenge, however I am confident that I will be able to adapt my research and development in order to meet the clients requirements.

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