Monday 30 September 2013

Instantprint Live Brief - Research

I wanted to gain some inspiration from other business stationary designs, here are a few of my favourites:
 This design combines photography and digital illustrations to create a quirky look. The splash of colour over the black and white image looks eye catching. I think this could be a really effective way to advertise the 'culinary delights' of the food and beverage industry, for example create a bright plate of food against a black and white photographed table setting.
This business card is a great example of simplistic design that works. Really easy to execute aswell.

This montage looks contemporary. The visual created by small angular shapes using various shades of green is a really quirky way of catching the viewers attention. I also love the added background texture which gives the design a depth. This idea could work perfectly aimed at the Food and Beverage industry. 

This business card set is a lot softer than the examples above. I feel that these designs would represent quality and expense as they have an extravagant feel. The watercolour texture gives a luxurious feel to the design.

Another example of minimalistic design that looks professional and expensive. The illustrations have a hand rendered feel that adds a personal touch.

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