Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Instant Print Live Brief

This week we received a live brief from online print company; Instantprint. For those who don't know, Instantprint are an online web to print company who provide excellent quality design templates for people and small business's without any in depth knowledge of the design process.

The brief asks for a set of design templates that can be used their website. I have chosen to target the food and beverage industry, more specifically small cafes.

I have written a SWOT analysis for this module:
Strengths: I am confident with InDesign, so putting together my final stationary set will be easy.
Weaknesses: My Photoshop skills aren't too good, so I'm concerned that this could hinder my final design, not being able to execute it properly.
Opportunities: This module will give me the chance to attend studio tutorials where I will develop various digital skills within Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
Threats: Time. Unfortunately there's been a mix up with work days and college days recently, so at the moment I'm missing out on one college day per week. Until I've sorted this out I'm going to have to work hard to keep up to date with what I've been missing at college.

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