Friday 4 April 2014

CV Workshop

Today graphics and advertising took part in a CV workshop with Jo Carter.

We got into groups and had to play along with a scenario Jo had provided. We had to shortlist 6 candidates out of 24 by looking at creative CVs through the eye of an employer. It was a great experience to switch roles and experience the process. I found it scary how quickly we perceived someone simply by looking at a piece of paper!

This workshop made it clear that employers are extremely busy people and will be put off by pages and pages of information as well as something that has a lot of design going on. Design is a matter of opinion so it's best to keep it stripped back and simple, lowering the chance of the employer not liking the aesthetics.

Absolutely no; comedy email addresses, information overload or over design.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Keltie Cochrane - Final Design

As a work based learning module, I was required to develop my industry practice skills by participating in the live brief provided by Keltie Cochrane. Getting involved with this has improved my design techniques and I have gained a further understanding of how briefs are tackled in the 'real world'. Ideas need to have a strong concept and designers need to be quick thinkers.

For my final design I chose to go for the grunge graffiti look and developed this using Photoshop:

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Snug by Design Live Brief

I've tackled my first brief as part of my portfolio production module, which was to design a logo for Snug by Design; a local business that sells handcrafted home accessories. The spec for this logo was 'white text on a pastel background'.
I chose to create a design which would be on course with the 'vintage shabby chic' trend and reflected the products on sale; vintage handmade home accessories.
I'm so happy that Michelle has chosen my design to represent her business! This is a great opportunity for my work to get out there as she'll be attending various fairs across the country with her products.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Keltie Cochrane - Live Brief

We've been asked to expand on our experience of work week and develop our Keltie Cochrane STI awareness campaigns into a final outcome as part of our Work Based Learning Module.

I decided to go ahead with a hard hitting answer to the brief, showing the audience the a worst case scenario that shocks them into getting tested.

This was inspired by an HIV poster campaign which I felt was extremely powerful when it came to the audience feeling an emotion:

Creating a seemingly normal scenario with an element that looks wrong and doesn't fit gives the audience something to think about which is something that I want to achieve.
I started my development by experimenting with different materials to see which would look most effective:
My original concept

Using paint in a soft colour

Adding a grunge effect using splats

Experimenting with a charcoal pencil

I really like the effect of the splats and decided to pursue a grunge effect

Tuesday 18 March 2014

IKEA Placement - Week 8 / 9 / 10

I’m really excited about my latest request, which is to design some graphics for IKEAs new bulb and battery recycling machines, situated at the stores exit. They are currently placed against a wall which is out of the customers eyeline when leaving the store. I have to come up with a solution that draws attention to the machines and promotes what they do.
My initial ideas were to add floor graphics and possibly hang a trail of bulbs from the ceiling within the eye line of customers. I also want to add back lights to the machines so that they give off a glow, drawing attention.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Portfolio Production

We're now onto our final module of the year (scary stuff!) and it's time to start building a portfolio of work for final show. This is massively important as this is when I will get to showcase my work to potential employers.

During this module I will be producing final outcomes on a weekly basis which will be great industry practice although I think this will be challenging.

Here's my SWOT analysis for the module:
Strengths: I feel that I am good at designing for different clients which will benefit me when switching from one brief to the next.
Weaknesses: If I come up with an idea, I tend to put all my focus onto this. I will usually end up disliking the concept and starting again with little time left! I will need to be open minded from the beginning, exploring different routes and ensuring I am satisfied with the idea I chose to develop.
Opportunities: This module will give me the opportunity to develop industry style practice (quick, quality outcomes) as well as revisit last years work and improve on them using my developed skills and knowledge as a designer.
Threats: Working under pressure to meet deadlines, however I feel like this will be a great opportunity to challenge myself.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Inspiration - Conrad Roset

I found some beautiful illustrations by designer, Conrad Roset. On his website he states: Drawing has been a passion and a constant feature in my life. “I search the beauty the body exudes, I like drawing the female figure.”