Friday, 14 February 2014

D&AD Pencil Panel

In order to gain a better understanding of competition work, we watched a D&AD pencil panel online, which I found really helpful. The panel gave some great advice on how to develop and create award winning work:
  • Get out there and experience the brand
  • Stay open to experimenting
  • Don't be afraid of making mistakes
  • Be original with a new concept
  • Be open and share ideas with other people
  • Push the boundaries
Answer the brief with a great idea and brilliant execution.
You can take a look at the D&AD Pencil Panel here: 
I also had a look at previous award winning work on the D&AD website:

Above: These Ted Baker India designs were my personal favourite. Simple and understated using Ted Baker clothes to cleverly represent the country of choice. This proves that a simple concept can be effective if the idea is executed well.

Above: The ‘big hello’ campaign is a simple concept which addresses the audience in an approachable and friendly manner, speaking to the viewer on their level. This is also a strong cross platform campaign, the designer has considered print and digital, shop windows, apps and more.

Above: This campaign is a clever concept that creates an interesting visual that would appeal to all ages. The app design is on trend and interactive, allows the user to feel involved with the brand and encourages them to continue reusing the app.
After researching both advertising and graphic design award winners I have gained a deeper understanding on award winning work. Each idea is simple and effective, easy to understand at first glance. Most ideas I looked at were used across platforms (for example digital, print, social media) to make a strong overall campaign. The award winners work also showed me that competition work allows you to push boundaries and create a campaign to a huge scale without the restrictions of client based work. The answer to the brief needs to be a strong idea that is executed brilliantly.
From this I have gained a better understanding of what award winning work needs to be.
For my National Trust Brief, I will need to;
  • Utilise social media
  • Make the audience feel and emotion and/or feel involved
  • Create something unique
  • Make it simple and easy to understand
  • Use all mediums (social media, mobile apps, advertising brochures, exhibitions, events, billboards etc...)

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